Fixing toxic office relationships – mediation in the workplace

Fixing toxic office relationships – mediation in the workplace

I read this excellent article at the weekend - The people sent in to fix toxic office relationships and it reminded me why I do what I do – mediation that is. Over this past year I’ve been doing more and more workplace mediations and finding it really rewarding. The overriding reason is that it’s clear that people don’t enjoy conflict at work, no-one wants to dread Monday morning or to watch the clock until it’s time to go home to get away from the bad atmosphere.

As mediators, we don’t ‘fix’ things but we provide people with an environment and a process that helps them to fix it and to find solutions that work.

Whilst I personally don’t use all the techniques in the article, it does describe a lot of what I do as a mediator and why it works.

If you have a workplace issue that mediation could help solve, get in touch –

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